Mandy Wang


Senior Consultant

Mandy Wang

Mandy has been practicing in the areas of trademark and copyright dispute, including trademark application misappropriation, anti-unfair competition and trademark administrative dispute, etc.; especially focus on all areas of trade mark portfolio management in China including searching, pre-filing advice and brands strategies; manage and lead professional team to facilitate our clients on filing, prosecution, registry enforcement and exploitation of rights.

Clients are mainly from high growth enterprises in China including fashions, luxury brands, FMCG industries and technologies; prepared anti-counterfeiting actions to enforce intellectual property rights; conducted settlement negotiations with infringes; drafted, reviewed and negotiated general commercial agreements, including trademark and service mark, copyright licensing agreement.


2015 – Currently: HongFangLaw (HFL), Counsel, Trademark Attorney;

2012 – 2015: HFG LAW & IP PRACTICE (HFG), Trademark Attorney;

2011 – 2012: Inkmo IP Agency (Beijing), Co., Ltd: Trademark Assistant and Attorney.


2013 – 2015: Renmin University of China, major in Civil and Commercial Law;

2003 – 2007: Tangshan Normal University, major in law.